No fault, no risk
Dry-laid nonwovens producers face demands for highest quality levels. The only promising strategy to achieve required “zero-tolerance” standards for disturbing defects is contamination control in fiber preparation. Uster shows in a free webinar (( how to achieve the quality standard for sensitive applications using Uster Jossi Vision Shield N.

Managing quality with Uster Jossi Vision Shield N at the fiber preparation stage gives manufacturers the total confidence that only contamination-controlled products are delivered. The paramount need is to prevent defects from the production processes reaching the end-product – and the Uster system simply does that.
Natural and pure
Bio-cotton is a trend growing from the sustainability movement. Customers are willing to pay higher prices for ‘all natural’ products. It’s a promising business scenario, but a tricky one! Bales of cotton typically contain various kinds of contamination – none of which should get into the final product, and ideally should be removed at the earliest stage of production.
Eliminating contamination during fiber preparation – and before the contaminants are shredded into smaller particles by the further processes – absolutely improves the quality of the raw material and reduces waste. The Uster Jossi Vision Shield N contamination sorter ensures the best possible detection and removal of contamination, right after the fiber opener.
Reliable detection also works with bleached cotton. Fragments of contamination in light pastel colors and white are no problem either.

Synthetic and clean
Nonwovens producers expect high quality and no contamination when purchasing synthetic fibers. Control is the only secure method when operating a business in highly sensitive applications such as medical textiles. Durable or non-durable, the product must be super clean. Contamination is not acceptable, and snow-white color generally a must. Producers have the security they need with Uster Jossi Vision Shield N. With synthetic fibers in white, light pastel colors and light shades of grey detection of tiniest contamination fragments is not a problem.
Nonwovens applications such as medical, hygiene and cosmetics demand two non-negotiable rules: zero-tolerance and reliability. Contamination control is the supreme discipline in producing nonwovens for sensitive applications. In the upcoming webinar, Uster experts Wolfram Soell (Application Engineer, Textile Technology) and Mario Siegenthaler (Product Manager Fiber Cleaning) show how contamination can be managed at fiber cleaning stage. They explain the latest technology of Uster Jossi Vision Shield N and will of course answer the questions of the webinar attendees. Join the free webinar on March 1st, 2023 or enjoy the video recording on demand.
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