Filatex India recently announced expansion of the manufacturing capacity of poly-condensation by 50 TPD and setting up additional manufacturing facilities for 120 TPD of polyester partially oriented yarn (POY) at its Dahej plant. The estimated capital expenditure for the said expansion scheme is Rs 130 crore which would be financed through foreign currency term loans and internal accruals. Filatex India presently has poly-condensation capacity of 1,050 TPD at its plant at Dahej. The polymer is used for manufacturing of polyester chips 240 TPD, polyester POY 125 TPD, polyester FDY 315 TPD and polyester DTY 370 TPD.
Since the capacity expansion is being undertaken at its existing manufacturing facility at Dahej, no additional land and infrastructure for raw material feeding would be required. This will lead to substantial savings in capital cost as compared to setting up a greenfield project. The company is planning to execute the project in the next 12 months. Filatex India is also replacing two existing POY lines (144 ends) with two new POY lines (192 ends) along with replacing winders in one POY line with new winders at its plant at Dadra.

The company presently has yarn manufacturing net capacity of 110 TPD at Dadra. With this proposed project it will increase the POY capacity of the plant by 5 TPD as well as improve the quality of the yarn produced. It is also planning to execute the project in the next 6-8 months at an estimated capex of Rs 8crore. Another important milestone has been the installation of a 30 MW captive thermal power generation unit at Dahej which has been successfully completed and commenced commercial operations during the first week of August 2021. The expansion projects will further enhance profitability and long-term economic viability of the company.