In 1987, Color Service was the first company to introduce in the market automatic dosing systems for dyestuffs, changing the approach of the textile market towards automation
Color Service, a leading Italian company, can proudly look back on 35 years of history to ascertain how the company’s face has transformed into an identity that is globally recognised for its leadership role in automatic dosing systems for powder and liquid products. As a consequence, Color Service has gained the trust of more than 3,000 clients and provided them with various solutions to solve problems associated with the manual weighing of products. Through its global presence, the company helps customers to tide over the entire lifecycle of the systems, including assistance with the selection of the appropriate equipment, in-design support, installation and after-sales servicing.
In 1987, Color Service was the first company to introduce in the market automatic dosing systems for dyestuffs, changing the approach of the textile market towards automation. Thanks to high-speed irrigation screws and a unique scraper, the weighing machine TRS automatically weighs every sort of dyestuff in powder or granule form, achieving a remarkable accuracy within small weighing parameters. This device is integrated with a variety of automatic dissolving systems, which, based on the dissolution parameters and the quantity to feed dyeing machines, dissolve the dosed formula and deliver it to the customer’s specified destinations.
Additionally, Color Service manufactures dosing and dissolving units for powder chemicals such as salt, soda and sodium, preparing the solution without changing the proper liquor ratio, as well as gravimetric and volumetric automatic dosing systems for liquid chemicals and auxiliaries. These systems combine the speed of volumetric measurement with the accuracy of gravimetric dosing. In the textile sector, laboratory dyeing is fundamental to simulating the real dyeing production process. A wide range of laboratory equipment is designed and provided by Color Service that includes automatic dyeing batches and solutions makers, volumetric solutions dosing systems with pipette facility and automatic dye and chemical dispensers for small machines.
High benchmarks
All Color Service dispensing systems are capable of achieving higher dosing precision, reproducibility of recipes and high production speed that allows the production process to be repeatable round-the-clock with reliability, allowing for ‘zero defect’ production. As a result, human intervention is minimised and risk factors are essentially eliminated. All system processes are tracked and automatically monitored and the data is captured in software designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. “The majority of our innovations have been oriented toward environmental sustainability and Industry 4.0 regulations. The boost in productivity and product quality, as well as the significant improvement in employee working conditions along with massive energy saving represents the highest benefits of our automation,” the management points out.

The fully closed and aspirated system guarantees total control of the dust released during weighing and product suction that is retrieved and reintroduced into the production cycle, with obvious ecological and economic benefits. Indeed, one of the company’s technologies’ highest priorities is to substantially minimise environmental and ecological hazards by limiting energy and water consumption, reducing pollution and reducing material waste in order to create a sustainable finished product for its customers. With these trump cards in hand, the company has had a significant increase in order intake in 2022 with an increase of 40% compared to 2021 – a successful achievement for ‘Made in Italy’ technology.