Launched in 2017, the Lectra 4.0 strategy aims to position the Lectra as a key Industry 4.0 player in its three strategic market sectors, fashion, automotive and furniture, before 2030. The strategy has been implemented up to now through two strategic roadmaps covering the periods 2017-2019, then 2020-2022.

Lectra will continue to implement the Lectra 4.0 strategy over the next three years through a new strategic roadmap for 2023-2025.

The Group intends to take full advantage of its change in dimension – mainly following the acquisition of Gerber in June 2021 – to accelerate growth, to significantly increase the volume of SaaS in its revenue, and to seize acquisition opportunities. With the commitment and engagement of employees, and recognition by customers, Lectra will be at the forefront in building a more sustainable future.
To achieve these objectives, the Group has set six strategic priorities for 2023-2025:
- reinforce implementation of ethical, social, societal and environmental best practices both internally and for customers;
- leverage all synergies arising from the Gerber acquisition;
- accelerate the transition of software sales to the SaaS model;
- accelerate the transformation of the Group’s customer relationship and customer engagement model;
- following on from the previous two roadmaps, continue to pursue external growth;
- prepare Lectra for the 2026-2030 period.

These six strategic priorities provide the Group with a structure for the work required to achieve the ambitions of its strategic roadmap.
Lectra’s ambition is to achieve, in 2025, revenues of over 700 million euros (including 10% in SaaS revenues), combining both organic growth and acquisition.

Outlook for 2023
In its financial report on the third quarter and first nine months of the year, which included a review of the 2020-2022 roadmap, the Group confirmed that the progress made during the period, as well as the acquisitions of 2021, and the Gerber acquisition in particular, had given the Group a new dimension and increased opportunities for continued growth.

While this new status enables Lectra to look ahead with confidence at its development over the medium term, the year 2023 remains unpredictable given the degraded macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, as numerous uncertainties could continue to weigh upon the investment decisions of the Group’s customers. Still, the lifting of restrictions in China that was announced at the end of 2022, and which resulted in the reopening of the country at the start of the year, is expected to have a positive impact in 2023.
Lectra clocked turnover of Euro 521.9 million euros in 2022.