The 11th Annual General Meeting of ITTA was held on 29th September 2021 at the Orchid Hotel, Mumbai under the Chairmanship of Dr. Sundararaman K. S., Chairman, ITTA in the hybrid platform. Many members from all over India joined through video link. Special address was given by Smt. Pooja Kulkarni, I.A.S, Managing Director & CEO Guidance- Tamil Nadu Industries Department Government of Tamil Nadu.

Dr. Anup Rakshit, Executive Director, ITTA, welcomed the ITTA Members, Board of Directors, Special Guest and representatives of Press present in the meeting. In his brief welcome address, he said this year we have conducted our AGM in a hybrid format because of the covid pandemic situation with restrictions in the number of attendees. He highlighted that in the coming years, the Technical Textile Industry will boost and show high growth as there are no. of major Govt. schemes on technical textiles announced by Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. He also informed that rationalization of Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) codes for the technical textiles sector is continuing. In addition to the 207 HSN Codes notified in 2019, another few hundreds are in the offing and will soon be released. He expressed his sincere thanks to the Textile Ministry, Government of India for all these initiatives.

In his presidential address, Dr. Sundararaman K S, Chairman, ITTA, thanked Ministry of Textile for the tremendous support and encouragement that we have been receiving and an unprecedented amount of focus in the government on growing technical textile by working hard on the schemes like NTTM, PLI, etc. He narrated ITTA’s contributions during the year to the growth of Indian Technical Textile Industry. He emphasised that the Technical Textile industry should take advantage of the shifting of supply chains from China to gain a bigger footprint in the global arena. He informed that the success of personal protection equipment (PPE) clothing and garment industry, which highlighted the role of technical textiles industry to the government and public at large during the covid period, continues unrelenting. He pointed out that ITTA had made representations to government and persuading them to bring technical textile made-ups into the general ambit of made-ups in order to get the Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies (RoSCTL) advantages as well as to get more favourable Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) rates and other incentives. He also highlighted that ITTA has entered into an MoU with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to bring in international experts to guide Indian companies to reach global standards. ITTA is also working closely with the BIS for the formulation of Indian standards on technical textiles.
Business Session was conducted by Shri. Amit Agrawal. During the AGM, Shri. Pramod Khosla, Past-Chairman ITTA was honoured with Outstanding Achievement Award of ITTA as well Mr. Nirav Mehta, Director, ITTA for the extraordinary services to ITTA.

Post AGM, Shri. Amit Agrawal, Chairman, CTM Technical Textiles Ltd. formally took over as the Chairman ITTA and Mr. Avinash Misar, Director & CEO Texport Syndicate India Ltd.- Advanced Material Division was elected as the Vice Chairman ITTA.
Speaking on the event, the Special Guest Smt. Pooja Kulkarni, I.A.S shared the working and growth of technical textiles in Tamil Nadu. She highlighted the Tamil Nadu economy by mentioning the GDP, contribution of manufacturing & services, exports, industrial output, etc. She emphasized that Tamil Nadu is the top investment destination in India due to the state’s advanced infrastructure, network capacity and locational advantages that cater to its well-established manufacturing ecosystem and facilitate exports. She pointed out that Tamil Nadu technical textile ecosystem covers agrotextiles, industrial textiles and medical textiles and the Upcoming technical textile parks in Karur and Virudhunagar, SIDCO-JICA Kanchipuram and SIDCO-JICA Karur. She also informed about the Investment Promotion Subsidy such as Fixed Capital Subsidy, Flexible Capital Subsidy & Turnover Based Subsidy and other subsidies are offered by the Tamil Nadu Govt.